5 Cleaning Hacks Every Parent Should Know


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    5 Cleaning Hacks Every Parent Should Know

    Everyone knows that living with kids is wonderful…  (Wonderful and messy.)  But, that’s life. So, how do you stay sane in the midst of chaos? Here are the best cleaning hacks that every parent should know. 1. Get rid of carpet stains quickly, fast, and in a hurry. In a spray bottle, mix 2 teaspoons mild dish detergent, 1 cup white vinegar, and fill the rest with water.  Blot the spot immediately and then spray the mixture on the stain.  Allow it to sit for 10 minutes and then blot away with a wet rag.  2. Use a lint roller to clean up after an arts and crafts bonanza.   Glitter is a mom’s arch-nemesis.  Those tiny little boogers can elude even the most efficient vacuum.  A lint roller will pick up those tiny shiny dots before they spread all over the house.  3. Magically erase tiny fingerprints/crayon markers/Kool-Aid spills. A magic eraser can help you take back areas of your home that have been riddled with stains.  Having kids means that you end up with tiny fingerprints all over pretty much everything.  Just use plain tap water to moisten the magic eraser and then gently wipe away stubborn stains. 4. Clean tiny toys in your washing machine. Do you know those toys with tiny parts that seem to be impossible to clean?  (We’re looking at you, Legos.)  Toss them in a mesh laundry bag so they can be easily cleaned in the washing machine.  Brilliant! 5. Baking soda is your new gross-kid-bodily-fluid cleanup BFF. Whether you are dealing with an icky stomach bug that has taken over your household, or a soiled mattress, you can blot up any liquid and then sprinkle baking soda to absorb odors with ease.  Then, you’re just a vacuum away from freshness. These cleaning hacks will keep you sane in a house full of messy kids, but the best way to feel like you are winning at parenting is to hire Excellent Cleaningz Service.  Letting the professionals at Excellent Cleaningz handle the dusting, vacuuming, kitchen, and bathrooms will leave you with that warm fuzzy feeling that lets you know that everything is going to be okay.  It’s kind of like getting a hug.  (What parent couldn’t use a hug every once in a while?) Do you have an awesome cleaning hack?  Leave us a comment below. We’d love to hear from you

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